Hottest escorts in Kolkata

Here's the best selection of Kolkata escorts! All beauties are just one phone call away! You can take full advantage of our mind-blowing selection of seductive escorts. These seductresses will make sure your experience in our beautiful city will remain unforgettable of the rest of your life. We are not trying to convince you of anything, but you actually owe it to yourself – you need to experience a little pampering at the hands of centerfold-worthy escorts. Let them show you what REAL pleasure is all about. Let them show you how kinky they can get. Our escorts always make sure that you, the client, is completely satisfied with the experience. We are incredibly proud of the work that our women are doing, they all are sophisticated and attentive, that makes them perfect escorts. Many other escort directories focus solely on the looks.
girl Mahatma Gandhi Road
  • 1 hour 100
  • 2 hours 200
  • overnight no
  • Age 28
  • Height 165
  • Weight 60
  • Breast 2
girl Noapara
  • 1 hour 300
  • 2 hours 300
  • overnight 450
  • Age 24
  • Height 168
  • Weight 56
  • Breast 4
girl Park Street
  • 1 hour 200
  • 2 hours 350
  • overnight no
  • Age 23
  • Height 153
  • Weight 48
  • Breast 1
girl Central
  • 1 hour 600
  • 2 hours 650
  • overnight no
  • Age 29
  • Height 155
  • Weight 55
  • Breast 2
girl Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station
  • 1 hour 7000
  • 2 hours no
  • overnight no
  • Age 28
  • Height 154
  • Weight 55
  • Breast 1
girl Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station
  • 1 hour 300
  • 2 hours no
  • overnight no
  • Age 23
  • Height 167
  • Weight 51
  • Breast 4
girl Netaji
  • 1 hour 310
  • 2 hours 310
  • overnight 390
  • Age 23
  • Height 171
  • Weight 60
  • Breast 4
girl Titumir
  • 1 hour 250
  • 2 hours 400
  • overnight no
  • Age 23
  • Height 167
  • Weight 55
  • Breast 4
girl Rabindra Sadan
  • 1 hour 8000
  • 2 hours no
  • overnight no
  • Age 25
  • Height 156
  • Weight 61
  • Breast 1
girl CBD1
  • 1 hour 200
  • 2 hours 400
  • overnight 600
  • Age 24
  • Height 165
  • Weight 58
  • Breast 4
girl Mahatma Gandhi Road
  • 1 hour 400
  • 2 hours 550
  • overnight no
  • Age 22
  • Height 153
  • Weight 52
  • Breast 1
girl Rabindra Sadan
  • 1 hour 7000
  • 2 hours 9000
  • overnight 14000
  • Age 23
  • Height 155
  • Weight 42
  • Breast 2
girl Mahanayak Uttam Kumar
  • 1 hour 400
  • 2 hours 550
  • overnight no
  • Age 21
  • Height 147
  • Weight 48
  • Breast 2
girl Kavi Subhash
  • 1 hour 400
  • 2 hours 550
  • overnight no
  • Age 21
  • Height 156
  • Weight 48
  • Breast 2
girl Sakher Bazar Station
  • 1 hour 300
  • 2 hours no
  • overnight no
  • Age 24
  • Height 154
  • Weight 51
  • Breast 4
girl Sakher Bazar Station
  • 1 hour 10000
  • 2 hours 20000
  • overnight 35000
  • Age 21
  • Height 160
  • Weight 46
  • Breast 3
The looks are important, sure, but they are not EVERYTHING. Our women are good-looking, but they also have plenty more to offer. They all have distinct, unique personalities. They all go above and beyond in trying to provide the best possible services to our valued clients. While other indexes have no policies related to the pictures featured on their websites, we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fake and photoshopped pictures. We have no tolerance when it comes to outright exaggerated/outdated information as well. The best thing about our index is that we are 100% honest with our clients. What you see here is exactly what you get in real life. We prefer natural beauty over silly pictures that have been photoshopped to high heavens. We want you to see our women for what they really are – natural beauties with plenty more to offer than just good looks.